Air conditioning is an easy and convenient way to cool your home. However, some homeowners don’t have an air conditioning unit, the system could break down, or perhaps you want to save money on utility bills. It’s not necessary to spend the summer being uncomfortable in your home. Here are a few ways to cool your home without AC.

Open the Windows at Night to Cool Your Home Without AC

Outdoor temperatures typically fall at night. Open your windows when the sun goes down and let the cooler air into your home. You will enjoy a good night’s sleep with cool, fresh air. In the morning, close the windows early before the sun comes up. You’ll trap the cooler air inside your home before outdoor temperatures rise again.

Close the Curtains

Natural light illuminates your living spaces, but in the heat of the summer, sunlight through the windows warms your home. Close the curtains when it’s sunny outside to keep the living spaces cooler. Blocking sunlight works best with insulating curtains, but even thinner curtains will reduce the amount of light and heat coming into your home.

Cool Your Home Without AC: Cook Outside

Stoves and ovens give off heat. On sweltering days, move your cooking outdoors. Experiment with grilling recipes to create delicious meals for your family. If you’re putting in the effort to cool your home, you don’t want to heat it back up again by cooking dinner in the oven or on the stove.

Circulate Air with Ceiling Fans

Running the ceiling fans won’t technically make your home any cooler. However, the movement of the air makes your home feel a couple of degrees cooler by creating a wind-chill effect. Keep the ceiling fans running whenever you are in the room. If you don’t have ceiling fans, you can create a wind-chill effect by setting up a box fan in the rooms where you spend the most time.

Cool Your Home with Plants

Keep your home cooler by strategically installing plants. Plant tall bushes and shrubs along the sides of your house. They will block or filter sunlight, so your home’s walls and interior living spaces stay cooler. If you’re not a fan of hedge-trimming, choose slow-growing plants, such as boxwood hedges or crabapple trees. You won’t have to trim these plants as often.

You deserve to enjoy comfortable living spaces. While air conditioning is pleasant, it can be expensive to use. Follow the tips above to help cool your home without AC and spend your summer in comfort.

Redtail Building Services provides home inspection services in Southeastern Virginia. Contact us to schedule an appointment.